Humanity is experiencing a global crisis of leadership, a crisis of conscience, and a crisis of consciousness. In a little over two years, the globetrotting pandemic ripped apart a façade of progress and development to reveal the paper-mache brokenness of our current planetary systems. It also underscored our interconnectedness and interdependence with All That Is. Yet, this fundamental observation went unnoticed by those in power. They are too busy using the next manufactured crisis to push through policies and programs enforcing information theory, token engineering, and the shift of social systems into a networked super intelligence operating under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for expanded “human potential.”
Framed as a “populist uprising” to take back “the commons,” natural life is being re-engineered, lockstep, by the world’s largest asset holders. By design, the richest 1% owns 82% of the world’s wealth. Billionaires became 54% richer during the pandemic crisis. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, saw his fortune soar to $192.4 billion from $113 billion, while the other 99% (aka the rest of us) were locked down in our homes, lucky to receive an income at all. In fact, Global billionaire total wealth increased more over the first 17 months of the pandemic than it did over the entire 15 years prior to the pandemic. Between 2006 and 2020, global billionaire wealth increased from $2.65 trillion to $8 trillion, a gain of $5.35 trillion. A lot of money, and tokens, are being thrown around to get their planned cyberphysical-sociotechnical future to stick. Digital education is pitched to parents as innovative, future-ready, and personalised,. Yet, it reduces student access to human teachers and builds robust data profiles that can be used for workforce tracking, behavioural compliance, and fiscal oversight. Beware of becoming so mesmerised by technological bells and whistles that you unknowingly forfeit your freedom and your children’s future in an unguarded moment. Bewitched or not, we have now reached a state of impasse – a gridlock where our old stories, narratives, metaphors, norms, patterns, structures, and ways of being and doing no longer serve us.
Leadership Competence is successfully meeting a challenge in a group environment, similar to the capacity of a basic human need like exerting healthy personal self-control and self-discipline in your life. Self-Mastery is a prerequisite before leadership competence in any group environment is possible. Leaders are humble servants to the people. When the attitude of ‘humble servant’ is forgotten, the road to tyranny is wide and paved in the people’s gold. Tyrants have several perceptions and beliefs that are out of balance and potentially destructive. The mistaken belief that “what I can control fully cannot hurt me” drives the negative ego behaviours of many control freaks and tyrants. Others are driven by their internal fear that they might lose control over a situation and the people involved. Anxiety results from vulnerabilities that the control freak tries to eliminate by exerting control over every aspect of the environment and the people in it. When trying to control every perceived threat, real or imagined, they lose track of what they can actually change and what they cannot – eventually descending even further into destructive behaviours and pathologies. They choose ineffective approaches to cope with anxiety, many times manipulating, lying, deceiving, and cheating to get what they want.

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe.”
– George Carlin
In the Hands of the Few
The consumptive modeling of energy vampirism, through a person who does what they can to exert control over others while manipulating scenarios, is a result of Mechanistic Materialism and it is entirely exhausting. This rational-analytic logic uses reductionism and demanding carrot-and-stick tendencies to control and cope with what it perceives life to be – a nihilistic battleground struggle amid dog-eat-dog competition devoid of meaning other than individualistic materialism. It objectifies systems, people, and things as transactions ‘out there’ in a scary world of separateness, so it asserts control over life because it fears change, unpredictability, and instability. Uncontrollable adverse events often lead to sensations of learned helplessness and extremely mismanaged stress. Control freaks exert control over others to prevent feelings of learned helplessness and powerlessness. Tyrants attempt to reduce their fears by removing anyone and anything that may pose a threat to their personal needs, belief systems, or whatever else they deem too uncomfortable to look at and change. True leadership is not about controlling people, it’s about caring for people and being a useful resource to help guide and develop people to reach their highest potential while pursuing a worthwhile goal. The best leaders assist people to harmoniously work together and do their best to inspire the group to achieve a vision while demonstrating aspirational ethics, behaviours awareness, and values. Their actions focus on accomplishing goals through unified cooperation as a team effort because working together accomplishes much more than one person can do alone. Leadership is not about glorifying the leader. Tyrants do not serve others and humble servants do not aim to control.
Over the past five years, millions of people were trapped in their homes and forced to use the digital world as their primary source of contact – for basic services and social interaction. Whether it comes in the form of advertising revenue or the purchase of real goods, companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, and others massively increased their fortunes during this time. They quickly converted their (quite literally) captive audience into billions of dollars. The enforcement of deregulated capitalism with its associated free-market ideologies has now crashed the world’s systems – economically and ecologically. And this is no accident; it is the deliberate work of global technocrats who operate with the express purpose of ‘reshaping’ the world to their monetary advantage. Data created by impoverished people is particularly valuable as the “global brain” develops strategies for waging asymmetrical warfare on natural life.

“What we have been living for three decades is frontier capitalism, with the frontier constantly shifting location from crisis to crisis, moving on as soon as the law catches up. ”
― Naomi Klein
Disaster Capitalism
While many are beginning to discuss digital currency linked to carbon allowances, few seem interested in expanding out to examine the origins of assistance-based social engineering. Here’s the thing: tens of millions of families in over 70 countries are now controlled through conditional cash transfers. For example: Mexico was a testbed for programmable money tied to behavioural compliance with health, nutrition, and education services – with poor, predominately rural families, being the targets. The Controllers used Mexico to work out strategies for getting conditional assistance into the hands of the global unbanked. The threat posed to Global Currency Agenda 2030 by robust informal economies, is significant. Here’s the thing: People in crisis have limited recourse. Programmable money is a tool of economic warfare deployed against marginalised people who suffer social ills caused by globalisation under the boot of debt-finance strong men who profess to want to “help” them out of poverty. While it may ameliorate some of the worst aspects of oppression, poverty alleviation schemes are really about establishing new markets in human capital futures.
At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq’s civil war, a new law was unveiled that would allow Shell and BP to claim the country’s vast oil reserves… Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly outsourced the running of the “War on Terror” to Halliburton and Blackwater… After a tsunami wiped out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches were auctioned off to tourist resorts…. New Orleans’s residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discovered that their public housing, hospitals, and schools would never be reopened. These events are examples of The Shock Doctrine: using the public’s disorientation following massive collective trauma – wars, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters – to achieve control by imposing economic shock therapy. Sometimes, when the first two shocks don’t succeed in wiping out resistance, a third shock is employed: the electrode in a prison cell or the taser gun on the streets. A combination of austerity, privatisation, and deregulation has destroyed the basic infrastructure in most countries. Corporations, freed of all regulations and responsibilities, are recklessly destroying communities, the environment, and scouring the planet for the most exploitable labour and that last drop of oil with ever more invasive and extractive technology.
What does a tyrant do with a global economic model that devastates everything? Find a way to make that devastation profitable, of course! That’s what predictive analytics, impact metrics, and data dashboards are for. The conditional cash transfer model, set up in the late 1990s, has opened the door to app-based financial services that permit meta-data to be aggregated and made interoperable on blockchain. Finclusion apps mean the digital footprint of the poor will determine their right to participate in economic transactions. “Conditional” is the key aspect of the concept. The planned future of “money” for the masses is tokenised scrip on blockchain doled out for submitting to the rules of the game – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Behave if you want to be granted “deserving poor” status in the precarious Circular Economy by the crypto overlords. Neo-banking, micro-finance, micro-insurance, and peer-to-peer “lending,” shocking Pavlovian wearables, KYC (Know Your Customer), and real-time financial activity monitoring have been set up to channel Environmental-Social-Governance aligned capital flows through the bodies and social relationships of the formerly “unbanked.” They are the ones at the centre of the social impact finance gold rush. The insistence on transitioning people from informal local economies onto blockchain reached a fever pitch in the lockdown months. It is that manufactured dispossession that was intended to clear the decks of cash and usher in the global control grid.
“The recent spate of disasters has translated into such spectacular profits that many people around the world have come to the same conclusion: the rich and powerful must be deliberately causing the catastrophes so that they can exploit them.”
― Naomi Klein
Impact Investment
While you were most likely reeling in disbelief, wondering if you would lose your job and how you would pay the kid’s school fees, things really started to ramp up after the 2008 crash with the Rockefeller-backed Global Impact Investment Network laying down the contours of the new game: digital nudges and social prescriptions linked to digital identity. Among the leaders was Ideas42, a Harvard-affiliated think tank with hundreds of advisors working around the world, linking data analytics with social impact investment schemes. Even earlier were individuals like Gary Glickman who started linking smart card payments, social services, and pay for success finance. From 1990 to 2004 Glickman was the president of Maximus, an influential consultancy around electronic benefit transfer technology and delivery of health and human services through public-private partnerships. Midway through Glickman’s tenure at Maximus, Clinton passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, putting numerous restrictions on access to public assistance. Such restrictions could be programmed into the electronic benefit transfer systems Glickman worked on. After working for the US Department of the Treasury and Office of Management and Budget to lay the groundwork for pay for success finance and electronic benefit payments, Glickman joined Accenture and became a leading advocate around social impact bonds and pay-for-procurement.
Better than cash, biometric payment systems built on the foundations of blockchain smart contracts have been in the pipeline for years. We have the Gary Glickmans of the world who oversaw the mobilisation of government resources, policy infrastructure, and technologies intended to open global markets in behaviour management to private investors down the line. Was anyone looking ahead to the day when public assistance uploaded onto smart cards and would be swapped for conditional payments made by rich “benefactors” through gamified apps and sim cards? Perhaps the executives at Orbs, a Tel Aviv-based company and collaborator with the World Economic Forum, were in the loop. They’ve been doing a full-court press trying to transition USDA’s SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to blockchain linked to digital ID since 2018. Who will profit from monitored educational and wellness performance? The foresight map of Global Education Futures Forum nailed it five years ago when they laid out a future where by 2028 there would be a cohort of Peoplenaires whose portfolios were valued by the quality of human capital held. It is conceivable that Peoplenaires won’t even be human. They could be Decentralised Autonomous Organisations set up to automate “charitable investments” based on the UK Charities Aid Foundation’s “Giving Unchained” paper – “Will an internet of things, underpinned by blockchain technology, lead to a world in which smart machines emerge as a new, hyper-rational donor class?” page 1
Mexico was set up as a testbed to pilot turning hungry children into human capital bets in the late 1990s, just as it was set up as a testbed for industrial agriculture, the Green Revolution, in the 1940s. Program people with money. Program people with “food.” Use the Codex Alimentarius to define what food is. Set up global supply chains that disconnect communities from the source of their sustenance. Add bar codes and RFID chips and quantum dots and blockchain to make sure the supply chains are trackable and traceable. They will say it’s for safety, but it’s really about impact. John Trudell says we must remember who we are as human beings, remember our power. The knowledge of human interconnectedness with the universe has been suppressed since the conquest of the New World. The Maya, people of the corn, belong to the land and it to them. Glorious varieties of zea mays maintained for centuries to sustain the people, not as a commodity crop degraded as biofuel or food additive, but as a sacred ritual of nourishment exchanged between humans and the soil of the Milpas and the gods.

“In terms of the spaceship Earth, the wrong crew is in command, and it’s time for a mutiny. ”
― Jose Arguelles
A New Narrative
We have been intentionally confused about discerning the qualities of leadership and authoritative influence over others as egocentric and alpha types of aggressive behaviours – which lead to control-oriented and tyrannical oppression. Humanity must relearn to discern and stay clear of feeding the tyrant as a leader or giving them authority. Tyranny is no substitute for leadership – ever. As above, So below. Because we have been conditioned to give our power away to tyrannical psychopaths, we must become aware of how we have given our personal power away to people and structures that abuse authority. When we are able to clearly identify control-oriented authority and tyrannical authority, we are more equipped to discern proper authority patterns when involved with any leadership scenario. When you think about it, it’s rather odd that while businesses like to pride themselves on being innovative, cutting-edge, and future-ready, most still proliferate an approach to leadership development that creates disembodiment and disconnection that undermines organisational future-fitness. Advances in neuroscience and consciousness research point to a massive ‘complexity gap’ in mainstream leader development. Most of today’s leaders are ill-equipped for the rapidly rising complexity coming downstream. Current approaches to leadership development (at best) aid a level of ‘coping’ amid rising complexity, leaving the ability for the leader (and the organization) to actually ‘thrive’ desperately wanting. The current narrative is collapsing in the face of global crises, and when narratives collapse, revolutions happen. New shoots of hope arise and new stories are created – a New Earth is emerging.
It’s patently clear – on all counts, across all radars – that the emerging future landscape for any leader is one of massively increasing complexity. Why then, do we still draw upon an outdated 400-year-old paradigm of Mechanistic Materialism – the very mindset that created the crises in the first place, and which undermines future-fitness? We are creatures of habit who have been generationally conditioned into routines that now tyrannise over us. We have imprisoned ourselves with mechanistic ways, including how we approach ‘learning’. From an early age, we are taught that ‘learning’ is largely a head-based rote activity. We sit in classrooms and in front of screens programming our heads in disembodied ways. Today’s leadership initiatives tend to revolve around talking heads, digital presentations and screen content feeding a disembodied, disconnected ‘head-learning’. It’s time to accept that this way of learning is part of the problem. It’s rooted in the very level of consciousness the machine is trying to tokenise and that we are trying to move beyond. So, it’s not just ‘what’ we are learning, but also the ‘way’ we are learning, that needs to transform. Not only do leadership development providers need to become savvy in quantum complexity, living-systems, vertical development, neuroscience, consciousness, natural law, and so on.. they also need to integrate a different order of being and knowing. The whole way in which we learn needs to radically up-stretch by becoming far more expansive, experiential, and embodied for it to enable real future-fitness in our leaders and organisations. Then we can be proud of the thriving planetary systems and structures we leave for our children and grandchildren.

“Fear can be an effective short-term motivator; in a crisis situation, it can elicit extraordinary efforts for a short time. But as an ongoing policy, it’s a disaster. Why create an arbitrary 10 percent turnover? If everyone is doing well, everyone should stay.”
― John E. Mackey
It's All Connected
Communities as resource deposits of untapped data is the logic of end-stage capitalism. The infrastructure needed to scale human capital finance profit are ICT (Individual Communication Technology) devices including phones, tablets, and inexpensive computers like chrome books; wearable technologies and biosensors; and 5-6G used in combination with data dashboards that verify impact data against predictions and success metrics laid out in the terms of the deals. These are all things that are likely to become ‘standard issue’ in our schools and community programs, not because it is good for children, but because the children’s data has value, and their compliance has value. The Metaverse will be populated by compliant avatars. Beyond social impact, the conditioning of the youth to cyborg life is now at full throttle. Meanwhile, for portfolio managers, children’s futures are simply tranches of investment – data commodities. After all, it’s only business. Control of populations, through enforced government dependency, is significantly enhanced by the adoption of smart contracts. Blockchain allows both value and access to be programmed in coordination with geo-location data and levels of permissioned (or not) access to smart devices. It is in our hands to reimagine our new story. Let’s imagine a narrative that recognises and respects the innumerable ways of being, seeing, sensing, and knowing for humanity and all species. One that resonates with the astoundingly diverse and stunningly beautiful web of life. Each step in life, each interaction, question, challenge, constriction, reaction, tension, experience, and inquiry is a crucible for learning. Life IS the learning. The organisation IS the classroom, far beyond the conventional four-walls.
Life is a cycle, a rhythm which may be experienced multiple times over a day, in the span of a week or across many years. Where the trajectories of self-awareness and systemic awareness cross, there is opportunity for regenerative leadership consciousness. In order to fully engage with life, to have confidence in your actions you must know yourself deeply. Ordinary people have had enough. The world needs you! Humanity is no longer buying the horseshit touted as the official narrative. From students to farmers to housewives to indigenous tribal members. The people are out in the streets demanding their right to a just, meaningful, and dignified life. It is our responsibility to know the history and work towards healing the past harm as we endeavour to shelter as many children from the ledgers as we can. Slowly a new storyline is emerging that is vastly different from the old one. The old, outdated hierarchy and privilege of power are dying. Those benefitting from it will use every arsenal at their disposal to maintain the status quo, but their war is already lost. The bearers of the new narrative are the rebels, renegades, radicals, and revolutionaries – the visionaries with the inspiration sparks of a future taking shape in the present. We are the ones the status quo is most afraid of. No wonder the privileged are doing all in their power to quell, suppress, and oppress the rising tides of discontent and truth. Those in power are deeply afraid. They have too much to lose after centuries of accumulation, grabbing, and theft. They will not let go with grace. Make no mistake, every chilling action is being taken to keep the truth from bursting through the carefully erected, centuries-old veneers of deception, duplicity, and deceit. This is your test. This is not the time to fall into low-vibrational fear. Do not be bullied or terrified into risking your health or freedom for the sake of false promises of safety. Get off your knees! We will get through this. The question is, where will you be standing when the dust settles?

“Interconnection permeates the entire universe. We are all one.”
— Amy Leigh Mercree
Addressing the 4 Imbalances
So often we endeavour to solve our myriad challenges in isolated ways, with the very same level of thinking that created the problems in the first place. We now need to activate a new way of thinking that embraces today’s complexity with systemic solutions. Conscious Leadership shifts out of Mechanistic Materialism into a quality of consciousness more attuned to life; a life-affirming and regenerative worldview best described as Quantum Complexity. The reality is that life is interconnected, relational, and ever-changing. The more we understand the dynamics within life, the more we can learn to flow with life. At the heart of this shift in consciousness from separateness/mechanistic worldview to interconnectedness/regeneration is the embodied recognition of reality as it really is. There is a deep stillness/spaciousness, or ‘field’, pervading all life including our organisations and business ecosystems.
An embodied attentiveness to this underlying ‘field’ of interconnectedness was an inherent part of all wisdom tradition practices for millennia. For 95% of our human history, we lived with a deep sense of this interconnectedness. We viewed life as a sacred experience. However, over the last handful of centuries, more and more focus has been applied to the reductive and rational-analytic way of attending to reality which tries to cut up this fluid connective reality into neat and tidy bits-and-bytes, so we can manage and control it. This has led to a skewed utilitarian view of life. Life is to be exploited for human betterment. We over-prioritised form-matter-doing (yang) and deprioritised formless-energy-being (yin). As without, so within. To balance the world, we must first balance ourselves. The journey to reconnection allows four imbalances within us to reconnect and find flow. These 4 areas are:
Inner-Outer Balance
During the journey of separation we increasingly focused on the ‘outer’ world and impoverished the inner. We deprioritised our feeling, intuitive inner-being and prioritised the tangible outer-doing. This creates an imbalance inside ourselves and also in the way we perceive reality. Reality then became a collection of separate objects and subjects, names and categories. The source ‘field’ that connects all of life was ridiculed as a flight-of-fancy. Separation of matter and spirit led to the castration of nature. The journey of reconnection allows us to integrate this inner-outer dynamic of life once again.
Masculine-Feminine Balance
No matter what kind of physical body you happen to be in, we each have masculine and feminine energies, characteristics, emotions and behaviours within us. These energies are always pulsing within us but it’s easy to forget to embrace and acknowledge both. When one energy becomes dominant, life feels off balance. Symptoms might include burnout, creative longing, and anger. Today’s society favours the masculine, competitive, assertive, controlling, doing aspects of our psyche and impoverishes the feminine, metamorphic, empathic, listening, receptive, intuitive aspects. If you’re feeling undervalued and stressed or unsupported and scattered then your masculine and feminine energies may be off-balanced. However, understanding these energies makes connecting to your inner wisdom easier. When your energies are in harmony you feel a greater sense of peace and compassion.
Left-Right Brain Hemisphere Balance
Neuroscientist Iain McGilchrist has extensively explored left-brain hemisphere dominance. The left-hemisphere of the brain focuses on the parts of a problem by decontextualising, narrowing down, and abstracting the problem in a closed system. This helps us to analyse by finding neat solutions and metrics to the problem at hand. However, only a solution in the context of an isolated closed system, not in a living, emergent, complex system like a business environment with ecosystem challenges. By the same theory, the right-hemisphere of the brain focuses on the whole of the problem by broadening perspective, forming connections, and viewing the problem within an open system; we seek context, think creatively (out of the box) and develop a greater understanding. It is both the knowledge of the parts (left-hemisphere) and wisdom of the whole (right-hemisphere) that we need to solve today’s problems. Learning to integrate both left-hemisphere (analysing) and right-hemisphere (expansive) attention and also engage in practices that encourage simultaneous integration of both hemispheres at the same time (like playing a musical instrument, active-seeing, dancing, or being in-flow during a creative yet analytical endeavour) is an important aspect of living life to our full potential.
Human-Nature Balance
The mini Ice-Age around the 16th century in Europe alongside the Scientific Revolution, the Witch Hunts, and the increasing rationalistic portrayal of nature as a resource to be plundered for human betterment, drove a hard stake of separateness into the Western mind. Over the centuries that followed, we became increasingly separate from nature, and with it, deep psychic atrophy set in. Biologist Edward O. Wilson explored how our need to relate to nature is an integral part of human development. He called this ‘biophilia’ (which comes from the Greek bios ‘life’ and philia ‘love’ – ‘the love for life’) which he saw as an innate tendency towards nature-connection. This relationship with the natural world is foundational to our physiological and psychological wellbeing and development. A sense of separateness from nature creates physiological and psychological problems (increasing fear, competitiveness, anxiety, stress, greed, etc.). These are the very root problems of the systemic challenges we as leaders and society face today.

“Most important, I learned that happiness and fulfillment do not come from pleasure but from meaning, from the pursuit of a noble purpose.”
― Fred Kofman
7 Keys for Creating Impact in a Volatile World
Learning how life works, your role in it, and the practices that will increase your ability to create more of the outcomes you want are the foundation keys for Conscious Leadership. The more conscious we can become, as the leaders and change agents in our organisations, the more able we are to bring it through into our meeting conventions, decision-making protocols and everyday processes of human relating. This is what creates the nutritious soil from which our living organisations can truly thrive in the transformational times ahead. It is about ‘thrival’ – to attract and retain high-quality talent, to innovate, adapt and evolve in increasingly volatile times. And this is simply good business sense, especially amid a societal shift that seeks a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, engagement, and creativity in the workplace.
1st Key – Life is a Movie
There are four required components we need to see a movie. A source of white light that contains every frequency of colour. A film strip that filters out all frequencies, except for the one that represents the images desired. A focusing mechanism and a screen to reflect it back to us. A movie projection is a fairly accurate metaphor to explain how we create our physical world. The source “light” is the infinite energy of the universe, the film strip is you and me, the focusing mechanism is where we place our attention and the projection screen is our 3D holographic physical world.
2nd Key – Three Fields of Energy
Through us, the Source Field of energy is divided into three key fields: Activity, Relationship, and Context. The fields interrelate with each other determining the outcomes and impact we create.
3rd Key – Follow the Wisdom of the Heart
The rational mind, while important to creating our outcomes, can only go so far. Its information is limited to only what we know and ignores the realm of the imaginative and intuitive. The Wisdom of the Heart is a path to developing the skill of combining the rational to the intuitive. It allows us to accept life as it is and opens us to a wealth of options. It also opens us to compassion and connection with our deeper selves and that of others enhancing our relationships.
4th Key – Live with an Improv Mindset
Life is complex and unpredictable. No matter how you plan, some event will turn up that was totally unforeseen. An Improv Mindset helps you take advantage of the surprise opportunities and challenges of life. It helps you flow naturally with whatever shows up. The art of living life with an Improv mindset is a skill required to live with innovation and flexibility.
5th Key – Storytelling and Ritual
Key to working with the energy of the Context field is the ability to weave a new pattern that will serve to carry you and your organisation in the direction you want to go. Storytelling is as old as mankind and through the stories we tell we create meaning of our world. Through the art of storytelling we direct the flow of energy into the new pattern and secure it into place with the rituals we create.
6th Key – Integrating and Balancing Opposites
Not only is life increasingly more complex it is also more ambiguous. There are no longer simple clear choices, no clear-cut solutions, no black or white answers. Paradox and opposing points of view are the norm. Learning to go from either/or to both/and allows us to integrate the best of opposites while minimising the negative aspects of either. Rather than fight against, we learn to include and integrate.
7th Key – Conscious Leadership
Whether we a leading our personal life or an organisation of thousands, Consious Leadership moves beyond planning, organising and controlling. We are leading consciously when we apply the other 6 keys to be of service to ourselves, others, and our world. We set the energy of the Source Field by being clear and explicit about who we are, our meaningful purpose, what we believe and the impact we are making. We focus on development, ourselves, and the people we work with. We build communities to increase a sense of belonging. This puts us in alignment with Life itself and allows us to experience the joy of creating extraordinary impact.

“When we take responsibility for how we move through life, no matter our circumstances, we become like lions; with one roar we allow our personal power to be fully expressed.”
— Leena Pate
Your Power is Much Greater Than You Can Imagine
Today’s dominant paradigm IS the problem – it undermines future-fitness. Containing leadership development within the current paradigm may (at best) allow for slightly better ‘coping’ within the current paradigm but not future-fitness. Of course, we need to work within the current paradigm while transforming beyond it. Here’s the thing: until we address the underlying sense of disconnection from self, from system, and from life, we are but lost in a crisis of crises. Conscious Leaders accept that what lies before us is a metamorphosis of our own psyches’, upgrading how we see ourselves within the world, aka ‘vertical development’. This is how we rise. Vertical development, infused with the latest findings in neuroscience, consciousness studies, living systems, complexity, quantum mechanics, and regenerative business, evokes an embodied learning experience that activates our super-nature, bringing more meaning to our everydayness and enabling game-changing Conscious Leadership Development.
In the roaring 20s and beyond, we are actively tearing down all of the old, so that we can build the new. How can we construct a new Earth that is in fullest alignment with the wisdom of nature and our hearts? A world that is based upon mutual respect, love, and compassion – a world in which all of Life, and Nature, is honoured and treasured? We are refamiliarising ourselves with the structure of our DNA, of the stars and of the planets. Our energy systems and Life itself are supporting us to rise above the anti-life matrix machine mentality that has kept us trapped. Are you willing to surrender your understanding of what your think reality is? Unless living in oxygen tents on Mars is your idea of the future, then our realignment with nature is absolutely essential. This involves far more than simply reviewing the structures of things. It includes how you use your voice and the words you think and speak. When you open up to your senses that operate far beyond the 5 basic ones, you start to experience miracles every day. It is easy to accept paradox is essential to the universal laws of nature. Then we can work together, in community and collaboration, rather than competition. We are ALL here to be the builders and co-creators of the New Earth. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Together we rise!
“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”
— Aberjhani