Which version of the future do you want to create?

The world needs compelling leaders to role model what the future can look like if we have the courage to change how we lead and operate in business and beyond. 

The world needs a new way, and people like YOU to show the way.

Self Mastery
Discover your unique gifts. Address your greatest challenges to uncover what lights you up. Learn how and where to shine in the world to achieve absolute happiness, success and fulfillment. Shift from a worldview of separateness into a worldview of interconnectedness. Deepen your relationships with high trust and profound intimacy. Deeply attune with life, heal ancestral trauma, build self-worth, communicate and connect with others more powerfully than before. Emerge nourished, energised, connected, centred and better equipped to deal with the challenges of life. Show up and be the best human you can be!
Conscious Leadership
Move out of the status quo mindset and outdated worldview of Mechanistic Materialism. Explore what it really means to work the way nature works. Understand Quantum Complexity to shift organisational culture from machine logic to thriving living systems. Up-stretch beyond achiever control-managers to become sensitive receptors and systemic enablers. Weave scientific, spiritual, natural and practical threads into compelling narratives that illuminate your organisation’s pathway towards the harmonious relationship between humanity and nature we so urgently need.
Systems Transformation​
We are living through a once-in-a-civilisation moment marked by massive upheaval. Global systems breakdown is now impossible to ignore, yet signs of breakthrough are emerging. This metamorphic moment demands we evolve our enterprises from polluting vampiric extractors into life-affirming honourable contributors. Our collective future hinges on us learning to flourish within planetary boundaries while respecting all life, and taking our place as cosmic citizens. Systemic Awareness refers to a shift in our relationship with the system. In Systems Thinking we look at the system from the outside looking in. Whole Systems Transformation requires we up-shift our consciousness to an Ecosystemic Awareness that draws upon the Logic of Life, embodies a living-systems way of leading and living, and seeks harmony with how life truly works. This is how we change the world.
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Pure Purpose

Pure People

Pure Proposition

Welcome! It's no coincidence you are here.

Every single system on our planet is now in need of radical change. The answers to changing the world lie in the hands of people who are willing to explore outside the status quo to craft a life that is authentic and meaningful – in alignment with the Wisdom of Nature. The world is crying out for a way of living and leading that puts life at the centre of all things. Pure Element 5 is here to challenge your approach to life and the way you consider every action. Only then can we transform the way you live and lead. The question is: Are YOU up for the challenge?

In 2016, Corey Goode said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Indeed, we are the tidal wave of Conscious Leaders here to overturn the dominant skewed reality based only on scarcity, fear, and delusion. The new norm in business is characterised by unceasing transformation. Change upon change upon change. A maelstrom of motives are driving hyper-connectivity, volatile transaction costs, disruptive innovations, shifting societal values, new ways of working, the search for deeper meaning and purpose through work, fragile supply chains, rising mental health and wellbeing issues, widespread disenfranchisement, and increasing systemic bombshells with no organisation spared. This new norm in business demands a new class in leadership consciousness to enrich organisational cultures that can adapt and evolve amid unceasing transformation in ways that create flourishing for all.

Here’s the thing: When we shift the consciousness, the challenge reframes into opportunities for evolution. Peter Drucker said, In times of turmoil, the danger lies not in the turmoil itself but in facing it with yesterday’s logic.” Much of today’s business logic is entrenched in mechanistic reductionism. This outdated worldview originated (in the 16th and 17th centuries) during the Scientific Revolution and is based on assumptions of separateness, predictability, applicability, and control. To not sense the sacred wisdom of nature is to fall out-of-tune with nature. We corrupt our humanity, lose our way, become sick individually and societally, and quickly forget who we truly are.

Life is assumed to be made up of separate things struggling for survival in a world dog-eat-dog world of hyper-competition. It is then assumed that these separate things can be compartmentalised, controlled, measured and managed in linear predictable ways through push-pull mechanisms. Relationships between the parts and their wider context are often overlooked or de-emphasised. This view of life informed Frederick Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management published in 1909. Taylorism was hugely influential in setting the context for viewing the organisation as a machine. Employees are relegated to the role of efficiently performing the duties as defined by management who cascade orders down through middle management, compartmentalising activities and relationships in an effort to make things easier to control and measure. 

When machine-logic becomes a dominant worldview, we start to believe that the organisation really is a set of neatly definable parts that can be measured and controlled in isolation. This mentality creates feeble business between fragile organisations based on control, fear and exploitation. This is a recipe for extinction not evolution. In reality, organisations are purposeful evolving systems made up of messy unpredictable human relationships that thrive amid a diverse web of connections all intimately interrelated with wider society and the natural world. Organisations display non-linear dynamics and self-organising behaviours more akin to living systems.

Pure Gold

Pure Genius

What if together we...?

What if we applied 4 billion years of evolutionary development to our organisations so they can become inherently resilient, nimble and life-affirming – just like nature? Conscious Leadership is a way of leading and living; a way of perceiving and participating within Nature’s Wisdom, so that we can flow as life flows. The journey of Conscious Leadership and living organisations is not to be trampled over in a race to the destination. Rather, it is the greatest voyage of your lifetime, if you dare to cross the threshold. Humanity is ascending and it’s time for a leadership upgrade to enhanced creativity, embodied empathy, increased resilience, and improved agility. Because Conscious Leadership encourages collaborative innovation and creativity as normal behaviours, everyone is primed to expect – and deal with – the unexpected. As a result, we are naturally agile during tough times.

Our planet is enduring a system-wide breakdown and disillusioned people everywhere are desperate for guidance and change. We must face tomorrow with a logic fundamentally different from yesterday’s. As we awaken out of our ego-absorption and view our challenges from an elevated perspective, we can see worldwide tensions are, in fact, creating the very crucibles we need to see more deeply into our own humanity. By threatening our security and survival, the empire of the day acts as a stimulus, compelling us to create new systems with higher frequencies of self-empowerment. There is so much we can learn from our own death-rebirth process to assist our organisations in becoming more life-affirming and regenerative. For this reason, we chose the Phoenix as our leadership symbol for transformation and egalitarian philosophy to initiate a New Earth – World Humanitarianism.

Nature's Wisdom Extraordinary Results

We are creating the critical mass of change necessary to move the world forward on our own sovereign terms. Amid the globalist attempt to harness our bodies and minds, Conscious Leaders are saying “NO” to the rampant consumerisation and fragmentation of life. We will no longer hand over our sacred guidance system to slick machines created by defense interests. We hold the alchemical energy to awaken our humanity in time to refuse new forms of money backed by things we love like toddlers, and our children’s futures. We will not buy into investments in human capital improvement that profit impact investors or create the data to refine machine learning for artificial intelligence. We are unavailable for cybernetic impact finance, tagged and tokinised bio-digital convergence, radiation hormesis, and collective consciousness management.

We have been conditioned to perceive the world from a perspective that prioritises “five sense” perception aka matter. Such a view reduces our lived experience to leaderboards where our value is measured by the things we acquire, such as objects, stuff, credentials, and prestige. And so we extend an open invitation to you – the Conscious Leader of your own life. We invite you to try on a different lens. What if we shift our worldview to centre on the dynamic potential of energy-in-motion? Rather than becoming entangled by inconsequential nodes popping up within the field’s vast current, we can join as partners in a cosmic dance of fluid motion and unlimited possibility. As authentic beings, grounded in truth, attuned to nature and the wonders of cosmic creation, we have the opportunity to dip into that current and reflect imaginative constructs into our shared reality. We are prisms of abundance. As our leadership consciousness shifts we become more aware of the reciprocal and participatory nature of relationships within and beyond the organisation-as-living-system. Conscious Leaders everywhere are being called to demonstrate the possibility of a thriving future. All around the world, leaders like you are already building community, creating with intention and compassion, and unifying others around innovative ideas that value life. Extraordinary transformations abound for those with the courage to embody the new leadership logic where organisations flourish, ecosystems thrive, and people feel passionately alive. Together we rise!

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