Pure Purpose

It's Now Time To Embrace Global Purpose!

We live in a world of rising disconnect, distraction, and destruction. It is increasingly apparent that our current crises cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that initially created them. Humanity is at a crossroads: evolve or die. Pure Element 5 is an urgent response to this call for change. If you are reading this, then it is likely you already know that for things to change, we must change. The repairing and renewing of our corrupted and fragmented world can not only happen ‘out there’ because that’s simply not how life works. It is the quality of consciousness ‘in here’ which determines our experience of life. The time has come to awaken. As above, so below; as within, so without. Welcome to the Conscious Leadership [R]evolution!

We often think of profit as the prime-mover in business, but it’s not. The purpose of any business is its ‘reason for being’. Think of it like this: Let’s say profit is the air we breathe – we need it to exist, yet breathing is not our reason for being. Likewise for the organisation, it has a purpose beyond just hitting the numbers and paying shareholders. An organisation’s reason for being is what galvanises the people amid volatile fast-moving circumstances. Pure Element 5 is dedicated to the emergence of a world where purpose, people, planet, and profit collectively thrive. We understand that fundamentally, all life is interconnected. The regeneration of nature and the regeneration of human nature go hand-in-hand. 

It is time to reconnect collective consciousness with Nature’s Wisdom before the digitised, mechanised ego-explosion renders us all the remote-controlled meta-slaves.  The old mainstream, rationalised,  colonialised, industrialised, head-based reductive scientism unweaves, pulls apart, distorts, fragments, and corrupts our connectivity to ourselves, each other, as well as to the natural world. This corrosive carcinogenic consciousness has infected business, politics, socioeconomic, and beyond. It is this prevailing worldview that uproots us from our sense of place and purpose, emptying the world of purposeful meaning, and superficialising our daily experience of life. While narrowing-down and compartmentalising complexity into binary relationships enables us to create fancy models of cause-effect like detailed Gantt-charts for project management, real life is not actually like this.

In reality, it is through our daily experience – our connection with the earth and each other – that we find our sense of place and purpose in the world. While machine logic may pride itself on driving out inefficiencies, what it actually creates is prolific bureaucracy and disempowerment inside the organisation, and widespread fragilities beyond the organisation with its blindly restricted view of life. In reality, organisations are purposeful evolving systems made up of messy unpredictable human relationships that thrive amid a diverse web of connections – all intimately interrelated with wider society and the natural world. Everything and everyone learns and evolves through continuous sensing-responding to energetic exchanges with everything else. Participation rather than competition better characterises life on Earth. It is only through this quality of consciousness that we can elevate into Conscious Leadership enter the Era of Regeneration. With seismic turbulence and hurricane-force winds ahead, we can consciously choose to hold on ever tighter to the old outdated paradigm, or we can accept the clarion call to raise our leadership consciousness and find out who we truly are, individually and as a collective. 

The Conscious Leadership quest is to see with new eyes, feel the magnitude of existence, and trust in the Wisdom of Nature. We invite you to a future-fit up-stretch that digs deep and courageously opens into nature within and all around us. You will not leave this adventure the same person who enters it. Central to any consciousness revolution is the essential need to realign inner and outer nature, left and right brain hemisphere, heads and hearts, mind and matter, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. Any leadership development course, book, training program, module or method that overlooks the importance of this alignment is Mechanistic Materialism dressed up in some flavour-of-the-day bells and whistles. It will not guide your leaders through the next decade of seismic change and volatility.  It is no longer enough to simply cope with complexity. We must learn to truly thrive amid rising complexity, volatility and uncertainty by activating our super-nature to become more purposeful, balanced, powerful and whole.

Your attention is a moral act and your choices have far-reaching implications. Every moment opens up the opportunity to attend to life with the quality of Love or Fear. How you attend to the world shapes the field around you and in turn, shapes you. You cannot unknow this. It is time to take full responsibility for all of your creations in order to effect change on a scale you can only yet begin to imagine. Around the world, new alliances are forming and like-minded people are connecting, collaborating, and beginning to truly evolve the way business is done in every arena. The mavericks of change who pave the way are disruptors to the conventional approach of getting things done. We are overturning legacy business models that focus exclusively on profit, replacing them with a Conscious Business model that fulfills future needs while also working to solve the problems the current approach to business has created. Business as a force for good. The current standard of business is crumbling because it was not sustainable. It failed in its critical role of supporting and nurturing the Earth and everything on it — something it could quite easily do if its course was being directed by leaders who care.

You are here, during a once-in-a-civilisation metamorphic moment. The time has come to awaken from mechanistic slumber and remember the sacred sentience of life each and every day. This is not some wishful-thinking utopia. Movements across the world are already mobilising toward this deeper connection, and nothing less than the future of humanity is at stake. This is a call to action. A call to authenticity. A call to dig yourself out from below the bushel of shame and self-doubt that has plagued the human psyche. A call to get off the mouse wheel and do the real work. By taking responsibility for your own awakening and transformation of self, you are directly impacting humanity’s awakening. Everything is connected. Your personal evolution is needed for the world to change. 

The winds of change are sweeping through the corridors of power, corporate board-rooms, business schools and conference halls, arousing the status-quo from their sleepy group-think of yesterday. Conscious Leaders are changing the conversations to inspire a shift in worldview to life-affirming business through living systems. The Wisdom of Nature effortlessly catalyses new ways of leading and operating, and more leaders of all ages are passionate about replacing the flawed mindset that causes huge strain on our personal, social and ecological systems. Conscious Leaders are demonstrating news ways of leading and of living because we recognise that we are all part of an interconnected intelligence based on nature’s regenerative living systems. Learning to harness the creativity, innovation, vibrancy and renewal of this wisdom is key to redesigning a consciously regenerative world. Welcome to the wisdom that is as fresh as it is ancient, momentous yet timeless, full of dynamism yet born of stillness. Welcome to the Wisdom of Nature!


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“We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalises.”

~ Joseph Campbell

“As leaders, we’ve become way too complacent in the control-manage dynamic. We can unlearn this dynamic by entering into a developmental journey of learning-in-practice. As we unlearn, we create space for a deeper knowing inside ourselves to be heard. We start to trust our innate intuition to sense how dynamics really play out across the living organisation.”

~ Suzanne Cunningham

“In crossing the threshold from Mechanistic Materialism to Quantum Complexity, we activate our super-nature and our body-mind coherence enhances with significant physiological and psychological benefits.”

~ Giles Hutchins

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