Together We Rise!
Welcome to the forefront of The Great Awakening! The transition from the Dark Aeon to the New Aeon has begun. Those who choose to attune to heart-based intelligence and align with Universal Law will be permitted to create on a grand scale in ways that the energy parasitism of the negative ego cannot. What used to gain results during the previous cycle, no longer works in the same way. People who choose to lie, steal and cheat in Service to Self, will now be left bewildered and frustrated, not realising the game board has shifted into a more even playing field. The light is too painful for anyone who wants to remain in the darkness. The critical mass of transformation is here, and we are watching our old reality, its situations, our jobs, our friends, and our surroundings metamorphose before our eyes. This means endings, closures, and completions in old, outdated circumstances – leaving us feeling an array of melancholy emotions we then need to transmute.
Self Mastery is the key to integrated Ascension and it is in Service to Others that you will find your true path to Personal Power. Because you attract and manifest whatever corresponds to your inner state, once you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. If you cannot feel your emotions because you are dissociated and cut off from them, you will eventually experience them directly in the field around you, as a physical problem or symptom. If you are not in your body, with present-moment awareness, and instead go around on auto-pilot, you have lost your Personal Power. Here’s the thing: if you do not own your power, someone else will. You will either give it away to others or squander it through the undisciplined reactions of your subconscious mind. Accepting responsibility for the power you embody is the essential and most important lesson of this transformation. Conscious Leaders demonstrate Self-Mastery by remaining present in the now moment. Our planet is evolving into a coalescence of collective race fields that create Group Consciousness. This is not something anyone can stop; it is part of the ascension process. We must recognise what this means, how it impacts our lives, and every relationship we have on this planet.

In any type of organisation or Group Consciousness, it is hugely problematic to navigate uncleared negative ego behaviours. Typically, negative ego behaviour is entwined with low ethical conduct, which damages trust between people. Effective Group Consciousness communication skills are founded on the commitment to hold Accountability to personal circumstances by demonstrating Conscious Behaviour through the Law of One principles. Trust is the glue of life. It is the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It is the foundational principle that holds all relationships. Without trust, there is no leadership. Authenticity is the gold standard of Conscious Leadership. The greatest act of courage is to be and to own all of you – without apologies, without excuses, and without masks to cover the truth of who you are. Conscious Leaders everywhere are stepping up to assume the shared responsibility for making a better world. New ways, new solutions, and new leadership models are now being illuminated to guide the way. Conscious Leadership is pioneering the shift in worldview beyond Mechanistic Materialism into Quantum Complexity, building a more just, balanced, life-affirming future for all of humanity to thrive.

When this machine-logic becomes the dominant worldview, we genuinely begin to believe that our organisations are a set of neatly definable parts that can be measured and controlled in isolation. The leadership team controls from the top, cascading commands through layers of middle management to the workers at the bottom. A narrowed focus on optimising short-term results, underpinning a scarcity mindset, views stakeholder relationships through the threat-tinted lens of hyper-competition. This sickly and distorted mentality only generates low vibrational, fragile organisations based on control, fear, and exploitation. Rather than sweeping this under the rug and pushing on with dysfunctional ‘business as usual’, we must realise this system only undermines trust, disempowers employees, corrupts any hope of meaningful purpose, and exploits the wider business ecosystem for short-term maximisation. Greed is a recipe for extinction, not evolution. While the logic of the machine may pride itself on driving out inefficiencies, in the cold light of day, the reality of what it creates is more bureaucracy and pervasive disempowerment.
Up until now, much of what we have been taught about who we truly are is simply false. Pure Element 5 was created to support people in the process of un-learning the rules and assumptions of modern mainstream society that no longer serve our highest good. It is time to step into our true power and co-create life on a scope that we can only yet begin to imagine. When we activate healing at the deepest level, we reconnect with nature, with joy, with each other, and with the essence of who we truly are: Pure Love. Your greatest gift to the world is your version of the love frequency. And when you seek self-empowerment, you truly begin to live. It takes courage to live in these times. It takes confidence, stamina, stability, and most definitely the love of self and the understanding that you chose to be here at this time for very good reasons. Do not let this moment go to waste. Choose to make a difference, to contribute all that you can by consciously creating thoughts that will fortify and empower you to catch and ride the waves of new potential. Remember, choosing to take a risk is an essential part of living a life of freedom. It only takes one candle to light up a room. You can choose to be that candle. Ignite the flame!
Suzanne Cunningham
HBIC – Creative Director – Pure Element 5

Hover here for more about Suzanne