Under the Influence
Learning how to motivate and enable others to change their actions may be the most important skill you will ever acquire. It’s not merely curiously
Learning how to motivate and enable others to change their actions may be the most important skill you will ever acquire. It’s not merely curiously
In a digital age that is characterised by always-on markets and customers that want what they want when they want it, talk about technology often
The world of work is shifting and transforming more quickly than we ever thought possible. What humans currently do, and will be doing for work
When is the last time you did something that was so engaging, so much fun, that you completely lost track of time? When was the
There are a few universal truths we can all agree on: You will not be everyone’s cup of tea. We often confuse comfort with happiness.
Our lives are forever changing and in flux. This seems truer now than ever before, for everyone everywhere. Odds are your vision of the future
If there is one thing that organisations consistently fail miserably at, it’s onboarding. An employee’s experience during the first 45 days in a new position
YOU have a great business idea, tonnes of tenacity, and bucketloads of talent. THEY have an open mind, an eye for opportunity, and pocket loads
Forget about funnels and shortcuts that “bro marketers” and social media “experts” continue to push. If anyone even mentions the word “pivot”, our eyes glaze
Human beings tend to consider everything as linear. Straight roads, straight houses, straight pieces of steel, glass, and wood. Straight cut diamonds. Let’s get straight
In our rush to find techno-fixes to our present day problems, we often end up reinforcing the level of consciousness that created those problems in
While the technocrats of this world create hype around AI to keep technology centre stage – in the spotlight for the future of work –
The word “networking” carries with it the connotation of “icky” because networking is associated with transactional interactions. This means networking tends to be less about
The pace of change is the fastest it has ever been and the slowest it is ever going to be. In the face of ever-evolving
Communication is the fabric of all relationships. All living things communicate. When properly understood, it is the most important tool for enhancing our quality of
There are many ways of looking at life. How you interpret your place in the world depends on what you choose to believe. In order
We are in a time of massive, monumental changes. We can call it a crisis or an upheaval. But truly, it is an Awakening, a
One bitterly cold night in post-war Osaka, Momofuku Ando was walking home from the salt factory. He saw clouds of steam in the street, around
Your entire existence…all matter, all life, all experiences is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Light is information that
Humanity is rapidly approaching the edge of the great cosmic cliffs of consciousness. What we do now, the choices we make, will determine a course
Science is catching up to what we already know. A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that,
We are deeply conditioned to “fit in” and give up what we truly need and want. Many of us learn to compromise, hide our true
Money-Money-Money! Your awareness is of the essence, otherwise you will become a pawn in someone else’s game. If you view money as a simple tool
Today, trust is more than a highly esteemed human value. It is one of the most powerful forces available to us in business and the
What if the real definition of Hell is that, on the last day of your life, the person you became meets the person you could
The illiterate of the 21st Century are those who have an inability to truly make a deep connection with others. As convenient as technological advances
Crisis has a way of revealing, course-correcting and recalibrating what leadership really means. How we respond to the COVID-19 crisis says more about who we
We are living in a time of great extremes. Politically, socially, economically. You are not alone if you are feeling confused, unable to discern what’s
The time is now to cultivate a different leadership logic, along with the learning systems that enable our leaders to embrace this new logic amid
Aspiring to “win” is an excellent strategy for elections and athletic events, but not for leadership. The language we use as a leader impacts the
There’s a reason why companies who are named as one of the ‘Best Places to Work’ see so much success. These organisations have strong, positive
The future is about people, not machines. Tomorrow’s game changers will be those organisations that empower their people (the workforce of the future) to do
People overestimate what they can do in a single day and underestimate what they can do in their whole lives. It’s not always that we
Most of us have too much stuff and not enough places to put it. Combine that with our hectic modern lives, and we have a
2020 is bringing about sudden and irrevocable change. Now, in the midst of overlapping duality and unity, life can and will seem chaotic. We need
Which world are you living in at this very moment? Are you living in a world of pandemic fear porn with no seeming end, horrible
Many of us have a strong sense that we are being called, more than ever before. Called to bring the full impact of our work
Buy or bury the competition. Jack Welch, General Electric It incites worry and amplifies the strength of our insecurities — what if someone does it