There is no such thing as the Great Resignation
Let’s get real here and call it what it really is: The Great Realisation.
The realisation that the governments of our world are not going to act on behalf of the people or the planet, since they are so compromised by the machinations of politics, corporate interests, and the shadow elite. Millions of people are currently being forced to choose between their livelihoods and an experimental shot.
From doctors to teachers to frontline workers to senior executives. From pilots to construction workers to police officers to scientists – people at all levels are quitting, and the media is not honest or lucid enough to say that it is due to the draconian vaccine mandates.
This ‘lock-step’ tactic of the WEF’s Great Reset aims to get rid of and replace divergents. While many stand bewildered as the government fires thousands of skilled unvaccinated employees, a service sector and supply chain crisis looms. Let us first acknowledge the integrity of those who say NO to discrimination, extremism and fascism – mostly due to being coerced, bullied and blackmailed.

The World Needs YOU!
What these times call for is real leadership – conscious and authentic leadership. The world is crying out for a way of living and leading that puts life at the centre of all things. We need leaders with the vision and practical skills to create new regenerative businesses in our communities. We invite YOU to catalyse the necessary regeneration to not just catch up, but to lead the world into the 21st century.
The ‘new normal’ of business is unceasing transformation, hand-in-hand with increasing stakeholder complexity. Simply put, business-as-usual is no longer an option. In fact, business-as-usual is very much a part of the problem!
As millions find themselves abandoned by the very people and organisations they devoted their careers to, many are feeling increasingly lost, confused, and emotional – which means they are also vulnerable. It’s time to ignite your flame and step up to shine a light in the darkness. This time – amid and beyond pandemic – is a time of transformation.
Phoenix leaders are regenerative to activate futures we all know in our hearts are achievable in the here-and-now if we so choose. Phoenix Leadership elegantly brings together different theories to enable leaders to rise to the level of consciousness required to build new regenerative solutions. No matter your skill level, your industry or your experience, if you have eyes to see, love in your heart and passion in your belly, the world needs you right now!
Taste-test this bite-sized introduction to the leadership of the future today!

Ignite The Flame
Ignite the Flame is an online introduction to regenerative conscious leadership. The world needs leaders we can trust in every industry, from all walks of life. Where you stand right now matters. It’s time to step up TODAY and guide the people around you to build new and better systems for the future of humanity.
Most of our leaders today have no clue how to address the complexities we are now facing. Most leaders are educated with a logic that may served them well in the previous century, but it is not geared to address today’s challenges so our people, businesses and ecosystems can thrive into the future. Unceasing transformation is the new-normal and it demands a new way of leading that is fundamentally different from what we are used to.
Humanity is shifting from the linear mentality of organisation-as-machine to be controlled through hierarchies of bureaucracy and carrot-and-stick, push-pull levers. This linear mind-set was based on an outdated Newtonian worldview of separateness and control-predict methods of management that no longer serve the complexities, interdependencies and volatilities of the day.
There are so many amazing minds and creative problem solvers on this planet, and humanity has the numbers. It’s time to illuminate a pathway to transcend our broken national and global politics and get to the urgent work at hand. We have the match!
All choice is with you.
Ignite the Flame introduces a new mind-set that thrives on complexity and learns from living-systems dynamics to enable agile, anti-fragile, responsive and responsible business. Conscious leaders are at the forefront of the Age of Regenerative Business where the organisation-as-living-system thrives amid uncertainty by adapting to change. Conscious leaders apply the logic of life itself to how they run organisations, creating conditions that allow employees to flourish, bring their whole selves to work, and become self-responsible adults, while contributing to organisational missions and value propositions that enhance life.
As the world continues to evolve around us, leaders are being tested at a level that many of us have never experienced before. To lead our organisations into a new level of change and evolution, we need a new set of leadership skills. The old standard of business is crumbling because it was not sustainable. It failed in its critical role of supporting and nurturing the Earth and everything on it — something it could quite easily do if its course was being directed by leaders who care. Well, we do care!

Our gift to you
We believe with every cell of our being that Nature is the way.
All else is fake and artificial, restrictive and easily manipulated.
The paradigm shift now upon us must be radical – philosophically, scientifically and culturally.
The system is broken.
Therefore, it needs to go to the very root of our corrupt engagement with reality: space-matter, content-context, human-nature, self-Self.
Are you ready to Ignite the Flame and shift your way of being, knowing and thinking?
Ignite the flame is usually priced at $129
However, the urgency of our collective need supersedes profit.
Our gift to you today: Introduction the Phoenix Leadership
Ignite the Flame for only $29
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