Welcome to RED OCTOBER, where the hunters become the hunted. Remember that just because the mainstream is not reporting on it does not mean that it is not happening. In the covert war for the future of human sovereignty, the tables have turned, yet all is not as it seems. A few days ago, Israel launched an attack against Iran that is to strike in four stages, targeting: 1: Military Capabilities 2: Oil Facilities 3: Nuclear Installations 4: Critical Infrastructure. It’s no coincidence, this exact time last year, we were officially in a “False Flag” nuclear standoff. NATO sent out a warning to its members of President Putin’s decision to deploy the Belgorod “doomsday” device into the Northern Atlantic – a nuclear submarine carrying the Poseidon underwater drone capable of unleashing a thermonuclear bomb to create radioactive tsunamis on enemy coastlines. The book Hunt For Red October hit the shelves on the exact same day in 1984.
Humanity is enduring a hidden, multi-level, multidimensional battle for Full Disclosure which is gradually happening as the Collective Consciousness shifts into higher-density planes as part of the Ascension Cycle. Yet, the Controllers will not give up easily, as is evident through the ongoing hijack of the disclosure movement and dominion over how content is shared with the public. The same propaganda tactics used throughout the SARS-Cov-2 debacle are deployed for psychological manipulation of the masses to distract and confuse many already-sensitive subjects so that the uninitiated cannot grasp truth from fiction. Mind Control and intimidation tactics toward endless global war, perpetual fear, and poverty consciousness, wrapped up in disinformation through mainstream media repetition, keep the human population distracted and dumbed down. Meanwhile, the greedy antics and power abuses of the Parasitic Elite remain mostly hidden, while full-scale infiltration of corporate conglomerate control into the highest chains of command unfolds right under our noses. Strict codes of secrecy (on the penalty of death) eventuate a single conclusion: the Military-Industrial Complex, heavily compromised governments, and deeply corrupt corporatocracy have sold humanity’s freedom and future down the road. Full Disclosure to the masses is critically important. As long as this agenda remains hidden, it generates deeper parasitic infection into the Earth that harms all her inhabitants.
When millions of people, including many of our world’s children, are subjected to live in appalling poverty and enslavement, including being sold as slaves into the depravity of rampant pedophilia as a growing multi-billion dollar business, NO ONE IS FREE. The critical mass for an ascending and free planet serves the whole. Evil prevails when good people do nothing. Full Disclosure is necessary to reveal the full scope of human slavery. Make no mistake: we are at the critical end stages of supreme 5D chess events to bring about the final elimination of galactic-level criminal scumbags and to save millions of children all over the planet. The culmination of these events is fifty years in the making and necessary to regain peace and prosperity on planet Earth. At this stage of play, it is difficult to say who wins and who loses when the economic resources of civil society are continuously diverted toward global corporatisation, war, and the furtherance of a global security state. Whole system transformation is needed if we are to redirect those funds into building a New Earth for our children and all of humanity to thrive.

“Everything affects everything else in one way or another. Whether you are aware of that or not does not change the fact that this is what is happening.”
– John Woods
Shameful Facts About Human Trafficking
- Approximately 75-80% of human trafficking is for sex.
- Researchers note that sex trafficking plays a major role in the spread of HIV.
- There are more human slaves in the world today than ever before in history.
- There are an estimated 27 million adults and 13 million children around the world who are victims of human trafficking.
- Human traffickers often use a Sudanese phrase “use a slave to catch slaves,” meaning traffickers send “broken-in girls” to recruit younger girls into the sex trade. Sex traffickers often train girls themselves, raping them and teaching them sex acts.
- Human trafficking not only involves sex and labour, but people are also trafficked for organ harvesting.
- Eighty percent of North Koreans who escape into China are women. Nine out of 10 of those women become victims of human trafficking, often for sex. If the women complain, they are deported back to North Korea, where they are thrown into gulags or are executed.
- An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect. Eighty percent of those sold into sexual slavery are under 24, and some are as young as six years old.
- Ludwig “Tarzan” Fainberg, a convicted trafficker, said, “You can buy a woman for $10,000 and make your money back in a week if she is pretty and young. Then everything else is profit.”
- A human trafficker can earn 20 times what they paid for a girl. Provided the girl was not physically brutalised to the point of ruining her beauty, the pimp could sell her again for a greater price because he had trained her and broken her spirit, which saves future buyers the hassle. A 2003 study in the Netherlands found that, on average, a single sex slave earned her pimp at least $250,000 a year.
- Although human trafficking is often a hidden crime and accurate statistics are difficult to obtain, researchers estimate that more than 80% of trafficking victims are female. Over 50% of human trafficking victims are children.
- The end of the Cold War has resulted in the growth of regional conflicts and the decline of borders. Many rebel groups turn to human trafficking to fund military actions and garner soldiers.
- According to a 2009 Washington Times article, the Taliban buys children as young as seven years old to act as suicide bombers. The price for child suicide bombers is between $7,000-$14,000.
- Many children are trafficked to serve in armed conflicts around the world.
- UNICEF estimates that 300,000 children younger than 18 are currently trafficked to serve in armed conflicts worldwide.
- More than 30% of all trafficking cases in 2007-2008 involved children being sold into the sex industry.
- Amnesty International has reported that NATO soldiers, UN police, and Western aid workers “operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers.”
- Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” video is about human trafficking. In the video, Gaga is trafficked by a Russian bathhouse into sex slavery.
- Human trafficking is the only area of transnational crime in which women are significantly represented—as victims, as perpetrators, and as activists fighting this crime.
- Severe natural disasters have left millions homeless and impoverished, which has created desperate people easily exploited by human traffickers.
- Over 71% of trafficked children show suicidal tendencies.
- After sex, the most common form of human trafficking is forced labour. Researchers argue that as the (manufactured) economic crisis deepens, the number of people trafficked for forced labour will increase.
- Human traffickers often target young victims via the Internet
- Several countries rank high as source countries for human trafficking, including Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Albania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, China, Thailand, and Nigeria.
- Belgium, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Thailand, Turkey, and the U.S. are ranked very high as destination countries of trafficked victims.
- Women are trafficked to the U.S. largely to work in the sex industry (including strip clubs, peep and touch shows, massage parlors that offer sexual services, and prostitution). They are also trafficked to work in sweatshops, domestic servitude, and agricultural work.
- Sex traffickers use a variety of ways to “condition” their victims, including subjecting them to starvation, rape, gang rape, physical abuse, beating, confinement, threats of violence toward the victim and victim’s family, forced drug use, and shame.
- Family members will often sell children and other family members into slavery; the younger the victim, the more money the trafficker receives.
- Human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises because it holds relatively low risk with high-profit potential. Criminal organisations are increasingly attracted to human trafficking because, unlike drugs, humans can be sold repeatedly.
- Human trafficking is estimated to surpass the drug trade in less than five years. Journalist Victor Malarek reports that it is primarily men who are driving human trafficking, specifically trafficking for sex.
- Victims of human trafficking suffer devastating physical and psychological harm. However, due to language barriers, lack of knowledge about available services, and the frequency with which traffickers move victims, human trafficking victims and their perpetrators are difficult to catch.
- In approximately 54% of human trafficking cases, the recruiter is a stranger, and in 46% of the cases, the recruiters know the victim. Fifty-two percent of human trafficking recruiters are men, 42% are women, and 6% are both men and women.
- Human trafficking earns $9 billion to $31.6 billion globally
- Human trafficking around the globe is estimated to generate a profit of anywhere from $9 billion to $31.6 billion. Half of these profits are made in industrialised countries.
- Human trafficking is a global phenomenon that is fueled by poverty and gender discrimination.
- Human traffickers often work with corrupt government officials to obtain travel documents and seize passports.
- The Sunday Telegraph (UK) reports that hundreds of children as young as six are brought to the U.K. as slaves each year.
- Japan is considered the largest market for Asian women trafficked for sex.
- Airports are often used by human traffickers to hold “slave auctions,” where women and children are sold into prostitution.
- Pregnant women are increasingly targeted for human trafficking
- Human traffickers are increasingly trafficking pregnant women for their newborns. Babies are sold on the black market, where the profit is divided between the traffickers, doctors, lawyers, border officials, and others. The mother is usually paid less than what is promised her, citing the cost of travel and creating false documents. A mother might receive as little as a few hundred dollars for her baby.
- Every continent of the world has been involved in human trafficking, including a country as small as Iceland.
- Many times, if a sex slave is arrested, she is imprisoned while her trafficker is able to buy his way out of trouble.
- Today, slaves are cheaper than they have ever been in history. Population numbers, political unrest, weather events, and disatsers have created vast numbers of people who are vulnerable and easily enslaved.
- The FBI estimates that over 100,000 children and young women are trafficked in America today, with an average age of 11-years old. Many victims are from “good” families who are coerced by clever traffickers.
- Brazil and Thailand are generally considered to have the worst child sex trafficking records.
- Nearly 7,000 Nepali girls as young as nine years old are sold every year into India’s red-light district—or 200,000 in the last decade. Ten thousand children between the ages of six and 14 are in Sri Lankan brothels.
- The AIDS epidemic in Africa has left many children orphaned, making them especially vulnerable to human trafficking.
- The largest human trafficking case in recent U.S. history occurred in Hawaii in 2010. Global Horizons Manpower, Inc., a labour-recruiting company, bought 400 immigrants in 2004 from Thailand to work on farms in Hawaii. They were lured with false promises of high-paying farm work, but instead their passports were taken away and they were held in forced servitude until they were rescued in 2010.
- According to the U.S. State Department, human trafficking is one of the greatest human rights challenges of this century, both in the United States and around the world.
Once you understand that engineering poor communities is central to the Social Impact AI machine learning enterprise, you will begin to see why venture philanthropists are so interested in things like Brazil’s favelas. NGOs with international ties, like Theresa Williamson’s Catalytic Communities, have harnessed grassroots organising and groomed community leaders for their moment to shine as quality human capital on data dashboards. Dashboards set up by B-Lab’s social entrepreneurs and the University of Pennsylvania, the alma mater of both Dr. Williamson and Judith Rodin. Originally from the UK, Williamson has been working in Rio de Janeiro for two decades, bringing her Ivy-League credentials and connections to implement a community solutions database, embed digital organising, rebrand slums as culturally rich favelas (setting up future markets in creative capital), and install an Asset Based Community Development Framework (a university developed model that will prop up sustainable finance projections). Cha-Ching!

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Slavery Embedded - Once Tagged, It Can Be Tracked
Brazil’s first Smart City initiative, Cidades Digitais, began in 2012. It was replaced in 2019 by Nacional de Estrategia para Cidades Inteligentes Sustentaveis, advancing the adoption of facial recognition infrastructure, connected agriculture, urban mobility, and electronic health records. The 2014 FIFA World Cup provided officials in Rio de Janeiro the excuse they needed to ramp up deployment of “smart” technologies. That effort was then expanded with the 2016 Olympic games. As preparations were underway for Rio’s World Cup, the Rockefeller Foundation launched its “100 Resilient Cities” program. Rockefeller officials selected UK-based global consultancy Arup to create a design book for cities of the future. The company consulted on several Olympic facilities in Rio, and is deeply embedded in UN SDG planning efforts, as well as collaborating with ICLEI. That project resulted in a “framework” for cities where “inclusive’ and “integrated” data would be captured to inform the response for future crises.
Arup established permanent offices in Rio and Sao Paulo in 2012 knowing there would be a lot of work coming down the pike. One of Arup’s projects was a “child-centered resiliency” report for the favelas of Salvador, funded by the Bernard Van Leer Foundation, a philanthropy backing the creation of early childhood impact investing markets in Brazil. It was one part of Salvador’s larger 200+-page resiliency plan that identified the following “pillars:” cultural identity (social engineering); healthy communities (bio-surveillance); inclusive economy (digital ID + fin-tech); innovative governance (data-driven public-private partnerships); and urban transformation (sustainable panopticon).

“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
Problem - Reaction - Solution = Poverty Surveillance
Capturing the arts and creative thought within the container of Social Impact Finance is a priority for those in power, lest truly imaginative and revolutionary ideas take hold and break through the shiny veneer of cybernetic control. Program officers travel the world proselytising that the arts be exploited to maximize their measurable economic contributions. A project financed by the British Council in 2017 laid out a framework for the creative economy in Brazil. Of course, the emphasis is always on inclusiveness – to pull those on the margins, including youth and women, into the vortex of social entrepreneurship. Knowing now what we know about the rise of digital economics, NFTs, and the imperative to design the Metaverse, it goes without saying that the impact investors will seek to digitise all forms of creative expression to make it profitable from an impact standpoint, as well as legible for machine learning. A 2021 paper “The Favela as a Place for Development of Smart Cities in Brazil: Local Needs and New Business Strategies, “outlines the following:
“Seen by many in a simplistic way, summed up to be geographic spaces of drug circulation dominated by trafficking, Brazilian favelas have been consolidating themselves as storehouses of innovative minds, a creative territory with multiple and complex structures. These places today can produce a positive image with potential for market exploitation. Therefore, the objective was to draw a relationship between the creative economy, branding and favelas, considering the concept of smart cities that include products and services from the slums.”
In the above paragraph, favela residents are seen as resources to be exploited. The challenge for policymakers is devising a robust structure that sounds equitable – where people’s lives can be remade into commodities that can be integrated into digital knowledge, learning, creative, and eco-tourist economic transactions. The built environment in which they live is a maze that makes their resources difficult to access. So, various mapping and demographic projects are underway by academic institutions working to make the social relations and geography of the favelas more readily understood by outsiders. In a country where enslaved people historically escaped their captors for distant outposts in the jungle, favelas had long been seen as beyond the reach or interest of the state. That, however, is fast-changing as drones, apps, geospatial mapping, and laser scanning (pushed under cover of ‘do-good’ programs like digital equity and inclusion) are charting the terrain of the favelas with granular detail. Residents’ very existence is about to fundamentally change. They will be “included,” whether they like it, or not.
In the coming era of stakeholder capitalism and circular economies, a person’s use of privatised welfare (inputs) will be evaluated against their economic productivity and good citizenship status (outputs) according to ever-changing rules of a game set by the corporate government of the day. With prenatal monitoring and blockchain electronic health records and birth certificates, it is quite probable this will commence before birth. With geospatial atlases augmented with socio-historical data (such as what is collected for imagineRio, by Houston-based nano-bio-tech research hub, Rice University). The possibilities for factoring intergenerational trauma into predictive profiling for human capital bets are, well, jaw-dropping! Rice University has numerous partnerships, including University of Sao Paulo and the army’s Institute of Military Engineering, cultivated through Brasil@Rice and the Houston embassy.

“We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…
Government has to make those choices for people.”
― Hilary Rodham Clinton
Same Old Parasites. Same Old Playbook.
In the United States, and also in Scotland (tapped to become the first ACE-aware nation) there has been a huge push to screen for Adverse Childhood Experiences and score the results using a tool created by Kaiser Permanente, a health system that is now a leading voice on social impact investing. A quick search for “Adverse Childhood Experiences” + “Screening” + “Brazil” results in a host of research studies carried out in the past five years: here, here, and here. Trauma metrics in the scoring are used to impose data-driven non-solutions on “needy” communities. Scientists have linked childhood trauma to changes in a person’s genetic profile. They have carried out research indicating epigenetic trauma carries across and accumulates over generations, which is significant for communities that have faced ongoing physical and economic violence. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, a lockdown fanatic who’s campaign was funded by Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Pritzker family (JP Pritzker, Illinois governor sponsored creation of James Heckman’s early childhood investment equation), is a heavy promoter of comprehensive ACE screenings of anyone on Medicaid and for children. His appointment to Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris to the position of Surgeon General of California signaled this would be a high-profile issue for his administration.
Will legacies of domination be mapped and factored into social impact deals that leverage their cumulative trauma for “pay for success” investor profit? Check out MIT’s Senseable Lab where favelas are mapped in 4-D with devices that capture 300,000 datapoints a second; Rice University’s historic atlas of social relations in Rio; and disturbingly Google’s Rio Beyond The Map in partnership with AfroReggae, who is backing the UBI e-sports gaming/training program. It is looking more and more like the plan is to force the masses to live inside the CIA’s (or the Crown’s) mixed-reality video game. So when we see gaming interests teaming up with Google to map, twin, or simulate favelas that are centerpieces of games like Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft 2016), it feels like that future is already here. In the game that hedge funds want to play with our lives, smart cities have been set up as social impact game boards with embedded nudges and omnipresent surveillance.

The term ‘globalisation’ is conventionally used to refer to the specific form of investor-rights integration designed by wealth and power, for their own interests.
-Noam Chomsky
Something to Really Live For!
It is a testament to the mind control exerted by Extinction Rebellion that so many blindly follow “green” leaders without question, not realising that green is cash in the pockets of defense contractors, tech companies, and financiers profiting from “build back better” nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and spatial web ubiquitous computing that binds the fiction together. Covid provided us a front-row seat for what tyranny by dashboard looks like. If they can convince people to live life in confined isolated spaces, interacting primarily through screens, the psychological warfare campaigns are more readily and easily deployed. The data analysts working for the billionaires want us to believe in a surreality conjured up on digital interfaces more than we trust our own senses, our own instincts. Some of us know better, but will it be enough? You need not be a futurist, visionary, seer or fortune-teller to realise that what lies ahead for every organisation, community and family if we do not chart a new course.
This supreme moment might just serve up the revelatory insight for our hearts and minds to see beyond our current limitations and open into the Logic of Life. Put simply, there is no viable way out of our present predicament other than to shift our leadership consciousness. Even if we limit our horizons to merely coping amid the exponentially rising complexity, a shift in consciousness is necessary in order to truly cope with the immense size of its unfolding nature. You cannot change the corrupt system, devoid of transparency, creativity, and empathy (while heavy in greedy, power-grabbing mechanistic materialism) by fighting the system. True leadership, does not lie in individual leaders, it is created by three elements, a clear purpose, articulated into a call to action by collective leadership, in a way that aligns and orchestrates individuals to take a collective and collaborative course of action. Without a shared purpose, we are left with a popularity contest, and politics reduced to Twittersphere and reality TV. People with a sense of purpose have learned to let life question them and have moved the focus of their attention and concern away from themselves (Service-to-Self) to others (Service to Others). Purpose is not a job or a role or a goal; it is the belief that our lives, our part in the whole of things, truly matters. Having a profound sense of who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going, we choose to believe that mattering matters. It is a mindset and it is a choice. It is first and foremost the choice to choose “life” despite the circumstances we find ourselves in. It is the choice to bring all of who we truly are (with all our gifts and energies) to whatever we are doing.

“In times of great winds, some build bunkers, others build windmills.”
— Chinese Proverb
The Time Has Come To Adapt or Die
This shift in consciousness unfolding on our watch is simultaneously a shift at the individual psyche as well as collective psyche level. It’s not linear, nor clean-cut. Rather, it is messy like boiling water spattering out over the edge of a pot. Boiling splashes can scold with blurts of pressured heat bursting up from the unconscious. This can sometimes feel like depression, anger, frustration, confusion, disorientation or even nervous breakdown. Within the collective, this looks like fragmentation of in-crowd/out-crowd, us versus them, extremism, rising polarisation and projection, mistrust, fear, anxiety, conflict, hatred, and social breakdown. Leadership for a New Earth is no place for cowards because shifting consciousness, demands an up-stretch beyond the boiling water, through a death-rebirth Phoenix rising into a brand new way. This new way is not only possible, it is inherent in how life on Earth evolves through significant bifurcating crises.
The bifurcation ahead can be brutally simplified into the adage ‘adapt or die’: learn to adapt and evolve out of the dominant status quo mindset or become yesterday’s news. And the inherent capacity to adapt or die is innate in our humanity irrespective of our leadership culture, creed, colour, tribe, sexual orientation, political affiliation, profession, financial wealth, education, personal history or identity label. It’s open to all who dare to cross the threshold and step into the fire within their own psyche. If you comprehend the trajectory of our research and you are not willing to hand over your children and their children to the AI Beast, then you recognise the gravity of what must be done lest we kiss natural life and any sense of humanity goodbye. Powerful forces are benefitting from keeping the status quo intact for as long as possible. Yet, it is cracking already. Its days are numbered. As within, so without. If you pride yourself on being cutting-edge and ultra-innovative with whizzy gadgetry while running your organisation on a 400-year-old operating system that is woefully out-of-date and totally ineffective when dealing with the crises looming large, you are set up to fail spectacularly. So hopelessly dependent upon Mechanistic Materialism, many fail to see its faults and fallacies and cling to it ever-tighter. Massive seismic change is unfolding whether you shift your worldview or not. The question is: where will you and the people you care about end up on the other side?

“In times of great winds, some build bunkers, others build windmills.’
— Chinese Proverb
You Are NOT Most People
Will you look everywhere but inside your heart where you might unearth your moral compass? Will you ignore the elephants in the room as the acrid odour of bullshit fills your nostrils? The war on consciousness and natural life is well underway, but few retain sufficient clarity of thought or a firm enough backbone to call a spade a spade. Their boning knives are so sharp, and the cuts so deft, that many victims never even realise they have been gutted. The machine bearing down on us will use any and all online interventions to manipulate data in ways that redirect public funds into private hands under the guise of “evidence-based” “impact.” Once agreements are signed, administrators have free reign to impose data-driven initiatives that claim to “close gaps.” By following the money, lots of it, we can see how this system of converting human (and now animal) life to data for profit is prolific at every turn. Wherever greedy FinTech impact investment sectors can leverage data-mining for profit, they will, pushing the lives of the most vulnerable onto data dashboards for review by financiers.
Our lives are made for communication, our bodies bathed in information, and connection is vital. We are social animals, and collective intelligence (when it is consensual and non-coercive) can be profoundly satisfying. It’s hard to try and find new ways to communicate across distances that are meaningful and productive. There are so many pitfalls online: cancel culture, ghosting, interference, algorithmic suppression, selective curation. It’s as though nothing can be taken at face value. Of course, we have all blocked people. None of us are immune to the toxic aspect of these tools. Here’s the thing: none of this is normal, and we are expected to embrace it without question. (Deposit your trust token here). And it’s never just one wound, but many wounds. It is a pervasive network of woundedness, riddled with rot, and papered over with progressive social policy. We will not sugarcoat it – the prognosis is not good. There is no easy cure for chronic domination disorder though symptoms may temporarily be alleviated through superficial social justice performances enacted even as most participants know deep inside nothing is actually meant to change. Cycles of harm run on repeat with increasing intensity, a perpetual gas-lit charade. Conscious Leaders are here to end this debased system once and for all.
“The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.”
― Shannon L. Alder
NOW is The Time
It is vital that the public begin to grasp that the sustainability narrative as advanced by the United Nations, the Global Impact Investment Network, the Impact Management Project, Scott Kleinman’s Apollo Group, and other ESG promoters is not about saving the planet but rather entangling all facets of existence into mechanical systems to quantify nature, monitor the value of each individual piece (down to the microbe) to the larger system, engineer life from the position of full spectrum dominance, and using risk analytics gamble on innumerable combinations of possible outcomes beyond anything the human mind could ever hold. This is a dark, dark art masquerading as salvation. Conscious Leaders everywhere must be strong of heart and clear of head so as not to wander into the wrong story. If we unthinkingly follow the breadcrumbs being dropped it will be game over for all of natural life.
Conscious Leaders know that beliefs are agreements about reality, and agreements can be changed. It is essential to understand that beliefs are the thoughts you hold within your imagination – consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously – and in the imagination, all things are real. All thoughts produce energetic vibrations, and even though you cannot see these frequencies, the airwaves are full of who you are. The capacity to lean in to the looming crises with the open-hearted courage and humility to not just cope but learn to thrive, to not just hunker down but reorientate by creating conditions for ourselves, our teams, our organisations and our communities to wake up to the Logic of Life by shifting beyond Mechanistic Materialism. The good news is, that life all around and within you is simply waiting for you to wake up and get with the program of life. This perfect storm for catalysing the death of the old ways and the birthing of the new Quantum Consciousness. While the future is uncertain, we clearly see an upward trend toward conscious business. And this is more than just a trend – we’re witnessing a new kind of organisation emerging. An organisation that is able to rapidly sense and respond to the ever-changing business climate by innovating how and why it creates and delivers value, and the way it engages internally and externally with its ecosystem of employees, customers, suppliers, resources, investors, society and environment. This new kind of organisation is the organisation-as-a-living-system designed on the regenerative Logic of Life. Regenerative organisations will be tomorrow’s success stories. Ones that hold on to yesterday’s logic will become yesterday’s news. It’s simple: adapt or die.

“You need to know it’s your actions that will make you a good person, not desire.”
― Matthew Quick
As Within So Without
Two very distinct directions of thought, based on the value of life, express the tension of this great divide. A belief in a world of hostility uses the platform of “might is right” to promote violence and synthetic subservience as a means to an end. In direct opposition, a belief in a peacefully empowered existence places immense value on nature, and all life is held in significant regard. Stress and tension are steadily escalating all over the planet due, in part, to an increase in telepathic and psychic sensitivity to the magnitude of this great vibrational divide. Now, this great divide of beliefs is actually “a polarity of cooperation,” like a full moon shining its light, stoking the fires of passion, and illuminating what is normally hidden. These activities are a demonstration of the vast power of beliefs to create very distinct, and sometimes diametrically opposed, versions of reality. In purely practical terms, you make your choice in every moment for what you want. The use of your free will to choose to decide is, of course, your saving grace, and you must learn to cultivate it, seeding thoughts for an empowered life. You are in charge of the vital energy that sustains and connects you with the larger cosmic reality. When you abdicate and ignore your abilities to create your reality, essentially, you turn your power over to be maneuvered by others.
No one is going to save you: in order to flourish and thrive, you must be willing to take charge of your own life. In order to understand and heal the insanity, instability, and seeming uncertainty of these troubled times, you must first learn to manage yourself. This is the very esscence of Conscious Leadership. And as the Conscious Leader of your own life, learning to manage energy in the material world is one of the reasons you are here at this time. Your body is your first and foremost responsibility, and essentially, it follows your commands. Your emotional intensity is the charge of power behind the frequency of your thoughts. How you feel about yourself and the world at large directly affects the functions and operating systems of your physical form. Feelings are fuel for beliefs (especially feelings of excitement) and when you follow your feelings, you will always find your beliefs. When you feel good about yourself, your outer world will mirror this state of mind. Choose to keep your vibrational frequency high. These times demand we create the conditions conducive for ourselves, our loved ones, and our organisations to become more conscious, more attuned, and more human, as we open ourselves up to and reconnect with the magnificence of the natural world. Together we rise!
“Do your actions agree with your words? There’s your measure of reliability.
Never confine yourself to the words.”
― Frank Herbert