“You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.”

― Ra, The Law of One

The Law of ONE

The Law of One is the recognition that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. Beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is connected to anything and everything else. The Law of One text contains timeless Sacred Science outlining the mechanics of Consciousness encompassing the Natural Laws that govern universal creation. All-One is the recognition that the Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and that state of Pure Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of the One Infinite Creator or God Source – All That Is. When Pure Love consciousness is embodied, it is referred to as Unity Intelligence. As we move through the Morphogenesis stage of the Ascension Cycle, we encounter extreme geomagnetic recalibration and drastic structural changes within the planetary architecture that initiate new stages of higher consciousness coming into physical embodiment. Many will suddenly be required to slow down, rest, and simplify their lives. Many will even need to isolate themselves from others to embody more of the Higher Self. In the first stages of Embodiment, you must slow down to release energy blocks in the physical body that have accumulated from harmful habits in 3D society, such as patterns of emotional pain or mental anxiety by continually pushing into high-stress situations. To successfully undergo embodiment, without making yourself sick with stress and pressure, you must surrender to relaxation and learn to develop body awareness. Embodiment is becoming consciously aware of your own biological patterns and their origins. Only then can you open up to the possibilities of how you can work to clear and heal them. What is your body’s wisdom communicating to you now? When you listen to your body’s needs and are willing to develop present-moment body awareness, you open up your heart to register the deeply felt sensations and impressions. Body awareness opens up the channels of direct cellular knowing that relay intelligent information. Here you learn the importance of self-worth and self-love as the necessary core components of cultivating higher spiritual and emotional development that finally allow you to experience authentic embodiment.

Everything we experience has a greater purpose for gaining knowledge and experience about the inner spirit traveling in the material world. The earlier stages of authentic embodiment levels are dependent on developing self-awareness, as the more deeply you know yourself, and your body, the deeper you can go into the spiritual embodiment stages. When actualised into a manifest form, Unity Consciousness is the embodiment of the Angelic Human (your original blueprint) who holds the title of Cosmic Citizen and is, therefore, sovereign and free. When you choose to level up and function as the Conscious Leader of your own life, you become dedicated to self-awareness and committed to authentic embodiment. As you demonstrate loving kindness, you build Unity Consciousness. Accepting responsibility for the power you embody is the essential and most important lesson of this transformation. Creative expression and supreme responsibility are key components for awakening and developing your spiritual intelligence. While these metamorphic times demand that you become much more aware of what is happening in the global community, they also require a new level of responsibility and honesty in your relationship with yourself. The outer world is a mirror reflection of your inner reality. Regardless of whether you do or do not accept personal responsibility for your creations, what you encounter is always of your own making. You must be willing to take charge of your life and become skilled in a new way of thinking in order to navigate the shifting currents of human consciousness. Every Soul is taking the same spiritual journey, and each soul is evolving at a different level with the knowledge it has in that manifested timeline. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern angelic humanity’s consciousness evolution for each dimension within the Universal Time Matrix. This is a single philosophical system of World Humanism, merging Quantum Science, Natural Law, Ancient Wisdom, Cosmology, Human Rights, and Mysticism.

Law of One Practices

In every moment of your existence you have the opportunity to take the low road, the middle road, or the high road. Honesty produces a frequency that says, “I have integrity and honour, and I am dependable, trustworthy, and reliable.” It is all up to you. The more responsibility you are willing to claim for being the creator of your own life, the greater the truths you will be able to accept and deal with. Responsibility, demonstrated through the 7 Law of One practices, opens the door to complete self-empowerment.

Unity Consciousness

Love Yourself

Love Others

Love Earth & Nature

Service to Others

Consciousness Expansion

Responsible Co-Creation

Misuse of Power

There was a time when secret societies were established for the guardianship of important ancient knowledge. These organisations were originally well-intentioned in their shared belief that preserving the knowledge of the past would be of tremendous value for the future. These societies felt that when people healed from the severe trauma of global catastrophe, they would be more capable of grasping the full and vast complexities of their legacy. The responsibility for caretaking secret information is a daunting task. Over time and through many tests of character, the guardians of ancient knowledge lost their way. Misusing their power, many became obsessed with hoarding, controlling, and withholding essential information from the masses. Repeating another cycle, and another version of the game of life on Earth, most people abdicated their higher abilities to heal and remember and chose instead to live in fear with their self-imposed ignorance. The keepers of ancient information eventually became the ruling elite, who used what they safeguarded for their own selfish means. By exerting control from behind the scenes, they distorted the truth by destroying or removing evidence of past civilisations. In time, various secret societies united in a conspiracy of silence and branched out into every arena of world culture, exerting their covert influence on the patterns of progress. As deceit became their norm, they attracted non-physical energies of a dark and demonic nature who began to heavily manipulate and further compromise the secret societies.

In modern times, the most valued tales that regaled the rise and fall of many civilisations have since been gathered into the dustbins of myth and legend. Over the past six thousand years, history was completely rewritten; events from the past were purposely changed, edited, homogenised, or even deleted from the records. Occasionally, important knowledge was encrypted within certain texts to preserve a truth that was still known only to a select few. More often than not, the chroniclers of history were instructed by authority figures to embroider the records with falsehoods, and only allude to the truth through allegory and metaphor. Today, with the pressure from the increasingly intense cosmic energies and the resulting rapid exchange of new ideas, these layers and layers of deception can no longer hold; they are flaking off and peeling away, revealing what has long been undercover. We intend to convey layers of information that will trigger memories stored deep inside you. Your cells are always exchanging information with the cosmos and the planet. We ask you to open yourself up to explore Earth’s mysteries. A substantial portion of the civilised world appears to be rapidly racing toward doom by investing in beliefs of immense falsehood. Earth is always alert and ever aware, and she works in great cooperation with the thought forms she receives. It is most important to have respect for yourself and also respect for Earth. Even if you do not understand Nature’s many mysteries, spend time with her and she will reveal them to you. No matter what you think is occurring, many more layers of purpose are always involved. Your greatest gift to the human legacy is the achievement of an open, questing mind that is at home with rapid reconsideration of reality, steadily redefining the course of human experience.

The Emerald Covenant

Beliefs are the thoughts that you hold, most often without question, about yourself and the world at large. These unnoticed thought forms are birthed in your imagination and stored in your subconscious memory where they automatically qualify your experiences in both the inner and outer worlds. Your beliefs set you up for success or failure. If your worldview is optimistic, you will generally be self-motivated with a positive attitude and engage life with joy and enthusiasm. However, if your worldview leans toward pessimism and negative interpretations of reality, a sense of hopelessness and despair will overshadow your every encounter. People suffer from pain and confusion due to a belief in their own sense of powerlessness. This belief is as ancient as the whisperings of time. Here’s the thing: all forms of consciousness must pass through various stages of accepting responsibility for their power in every vista of creation. As above, so below. As within, so without. Your encounters in the outer world are a direct reflection of your inner reality: you become what you think about; so, when you change your thinking, you inevitably change your life. There has long been a plan by nefarious world controllers to herd the attention of all humanity into one probable line of time. Remember, when you abdicate your role of responsibility in creating your life, you create others who will control it for you. The deceitful mechanisations behind many world events are an attempt to control and manage your attention – to distort it, make a trap, and to lead as many people as possible down the portal of fear through planned media programming. Events can always be orchestrated but the outcome cannot be predetermined. The uncertainty principle reigns because humanity is empowered with free will, making us unpredictable. In any moment the freedom to choose prevails. All around the globe people are pressed to consciously create their reality and anchor the energy of self-responsibility onto the planet.

Your signature frequency is unique to you. As you awaken and raise your standard of awareness, you automatically contribute your newfound frequency of personal responsibility to the vibrational web that affects the mass consciousness. By choosing to become the Conscious Leader of your own life and live in a way that demonstrates your ability to respond and express unconditional Love to all creation, you strengthen your connection to All That Is. The Emerald Covenant is the promise made to humanity that all Souls in this fallen universe will eventually be found and returned to their original spiritual home. This is the Divine plan of the ascension cycle – the evolutionary journey through the astrological ages facilitating our way back home. The Conscious Leadership mission includes supporting the pathway of disclosure leading to planetary liberation. We stand firmly together providing the records for witness testimony on behalf of Earth and all of humanity to be freed from their AI-infested alien oppressors and we request a seat at the table of the Interdimensional Free World Council. Conscious Leaders everywhere refuse to be hooked into the hive mind supercomputer. We will not submit to the role of data-mineable, creative pets of AI.  We are unavailable for a near future timeline that integrates of all humans and all natural life into cybernetic circuits. No one – no elected official, union, company, NGO, or university, is using their institutional capital to oppose this plan. In fact, most are scrambling to find a position where they have a chance to “win” in the new Hunger Games. Therefore, as the Conscious Leaders of our lives, we choose of our own free will Whole System Transformation away from greedy FinTech and corrupt EdTech institutions to a life-affirming future based on love and goodness where all of humanity thrives. Together we rise!